Pru Volunteers


🌟 A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Incredible Pru Volunteers 🌟

Today, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to the wonderful volunteers from Pru who joined us at St. John’s Soup Kitchen. With their generous hearts and helping hands, we were able to cook and serve nourishing meals to our community's needy, bringing warmth and comfort to many.

We believe in the strength of our community and the incredible things we can achieve when we support each other. Today was a perfect example of that belief in action.

Thank you once again for your time, your energy, and your unwavering spirit. We look forward to welcoming you back to St. John’s Soup Kitchen soon!

#Gratitude #CommunityService #Volunteers #PruVolunteers #StJohnsSoupKitchen #ThankYou

John Saint